Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Today's Password 07.February.2017, Tuesday

Dilatare il cuore per amare l’altro
Enlarge our hearts to love others
“Let us try, in every situation, to be the first to love, with a love that is generous, supportive, and open to all, being especially attentive to those around us who are most in need of it. 
Let us try to love with a love that does not look for results. Let us make an effort to be instruments of God’s generosity, helping others to experience the gifts that we have received from Him.”

-Chiara Lubich

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Today's Password ( 02.02.2017 ) Thursday

Essere capaci di ascolto e di misericordia

Be able to listen and be merciful.

“This is my son, my beloved. Listen to him!” (Mk. 9:7).
“When did the Son speak? Where can we find his Word? We can find his Word in the Gospels. Let us open them and read them with love. The Gospel is the Word of Jesus. But he speaks to us in other ways as well. He speaks to our soul in one special moment: in prayer, and the more we seek to love God present in our heart, the more his voice makes itself hear, the more it guides us from the deepest part of our being.

How different our relationships would be if we did more to cultivate this rare quality of listening, which at times is the only way to show our attention towards those near us, even strangers! This is the point: the best way to prepare ourselves to listen to the voice of God is to actually listen to our brothers and sisters.”

Chiara Lubich
(Word of Life March 2000)

Monday, January 30, 2017

Today's Password: 30.January.2017, Monday

L’amore vince ogni timore
Love overcomes all fear
“The Lord is near to all who call upon Him to all who call upon Him is truth.” (Ps 145:18)
“God tells us how: by calling out to him. The Lord was already on Peter’s boat when a storm came up, but the disciples felt alone and helpless because he was sleeping. The called out to him ‘Lord, save us! We are perishing’(Mt 8:25) and he calmed the wind and the sea.
How else can we revive our faith in his presence? By seeking him in our midst. He promised to be present ‘where two or three are gathered’ in his name (Mt 18:20). Let us then meet in the mutual love of the Gospel with all those who live the Word of Life. Let us share how we have put it into practice and we will experience the fruits of his presence: joy, peace, light and courage. The Lord will live within each of us, and we will continue to feel him close by and working in our lives everyday.”
Chiara Lubich
(Word of Life July 2006)

( 29.01.2017 ) Sunday 

Credere nell’amore anche senza vedere i risultati
Believe in love even without seeing results
“If you try to make love the main thing in your life, you will realize that here on earth it is worthwhile doing your part. The other’s part, for all you know, may never come to you; and it is not necessary that it should. At times you will suffer disillusion, but you will never lose courage once you have convinced yourself that, what counts in love is to love.”
Chiara Lubich

My experience on believing in love even without seeing results.

Today marks our twenty-five months of being husband and wife; as a small family now because we already have a fifteen month old son. My husband is now in Canada and we are still here in Butuan City.  Our relationship is very challenging considering the distance and time difference yet with the daily password it has been bearable and manageable with conscious effort on our ends.  I particularly reflected on today's password which Chiara gave further meditation to believe in love even without seeing results.  You see, last December I was very busy filling up our Canadian papers and making sure I have secured the necessary documents so we could already submit them to the immigration center. Unfortunately, my husband is out of job for the second time around and will be on social insurance which will bar him from sponsoring or disqualify him as such. Thinking on this, I felt that being together as a family in Canada will again be on hold until he gets his license and a better paying job so we could follow suit. I felt a great pang in my heart because I have been waiting for so long yet with this password I have a renewed strength to continue on believing in God's love for us even in this, situation. At the end, I felt peace and consolation that I could still spend more time with my parents who are not getting younger and to live the present moment well.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Today's Password: 28.January.2017, Saturday

Non risparmiarsi nell’amar
Do not hold back in loving

“We need to enlarge our heart to the measure of the heart of Jesus. How much work that means! 
Yet this is the only thing necessary. When this is done, all is done. It means loving everyone we meet, as God loves him or her. And since we live in time, we must love our neighbors one by one, without holding in our heart any leftover affection for the brother or sister met a moment before. It is the same Jesus, after all, whom we love in everyone. If anything leftover remains, it means that the preceding brother or sister was loved for our sake or for theirs… not for Jesus.”

-Chiara Lubich

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Today's Password: 26.January.2017, Thursday

Vivere con sincerità
Be sincere (Live with sincerity)
“How can we do something concrete to prepare the way of the Lord? By asking for His forgiveness each time that we have put up a barrier that prevents us from being in communion with Him. This sincere gesture of humility and truth allows us to stand before Him as we are, acknowledging our fragility, our mistakes, and our sins. At night, before going to sleep, we might stop for a moment to take stock and see how we did and ask for God’s forgiveness.”
Chiara Lubich

Monday, January 23, 2017

Today's Password: 24.January.2017, Tuesday

Superare le divisioni
Overcome divisions
"Do you know what 'making our self one' means? It means 'cutting' with your own culture at its very roots, to enter into another person's culture and understand it, to let them express themselves until you have understood it within. At this point, yes, you could begin a dialogue with them, and pass on the gospel message through the riches that they already possess. 'Making ourselves one' - which 'inculturation' requires - means entering into the other persons' mentality, their traditions, their customs, their 'soul', entering into the culture, to understand it and draw out from it the seeds of the truth, the seeds of the Word, the seeds of the Word of God."
Chiara Lubich

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Today's Password: 23.January.2017, Monday

Essere strumenti di riconciliazione.
Be instruments of reconciliation.

“For with you is the fountain of life.” (Psalm 36:9)
This Word of Scripture tells us something so important and vital that it can be an instrument of reconciliation and communion. It reminds us that God alone is the source of life and therefore the source of full communion, peace and joy. The more we drink from this source and live on the living water that is His Word, the more we will come close to one another and live like brothers and sisters. Then the words that follow in this Psalm will come true: ‘in your light we see light,’the light that humanity awaits.”

Chiara Lubich

Five Years after Graduation by Paciente Cubillas, Jr

Below is a feature story and was written by my mentor and maternal uncle. The school year 1969-70 drew to a close with me filled with confid...