Saturday, August 22, 2015

Gospel for August 22, 2015 (Saturday) Queenship of Mary

Mt 23:1-12

Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples, saying, "The scribes and the Pharisees have taken their seat on the chair of Moses.  Therefore, do and observe all things whatsoever they tell you, but do not follow their example.  For they preach but they do not practice.  They tie up heavy burdens (hard to carry) and lay them on people's shoulders, but they will not lift a finger to move them.  All their works are performed to be seen.  They widen their phylacteries and lengthen their tassels.  They love places of honor at banquets, seat of honor in synagogues, greetings in marketplaces, and the salutation 'Rabbi'.  As for you, do not be called 'Rabbi'.  You have but one teacher, and you are all brothers.  Call no one on earth your father; you have but one Father in heaven.  Do not be called 'Master'; you have but one master, the Messiah.  The greatest among you must be your servant.  Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted."

The Word in other words

There was somebody who read in earnest the thoughts of a philosopher on the frustrated possibilities of the human person.  He soon believed that he could be, and indeed is, a superman.  To prove himself right, he jumped from the second floor.  That jump proved that his thinking was faulty, for he ended up with a world that was upside down... and a broken leg.

The thinking during Jesus' time, as it is now, is also faulty and things are turning upside down.  The sad part is that people start to accept what is erroneous as the norm.  They are therefore jumping, as it were, from the second floors to prove their selves correct.

Jesus tries to rescue us from a world that is upside down before we get ourselves in situation far worse than a broken leg.  Among his prescriptions:
"The greatest must be the servant."
"Whoever humbles oneself shall be exalted."

                     -Fr. Vic Rayco, SVD (St. Jude Catholic School, Manila)

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